Page 72 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 72

1.  Tick the words you heard in the talk and cross the ones you did not hear.

                                 a) surroundings                 b) compliment                    c) telescopic

                                 d) antenna                      e) stereoscopic                  f) complexion

                                 g) transparent                  h) chromatophores

                           2.  Chameleons are members of the                               family.

                                 a) snake                        b) lizard                        c) dragon

                           3. ‘Chameleon’ means                                 .

                                 a) ‘earth melon’                b) ‘ground lizard’               c) ‘ground lion’
                           4.  Chameleons can see things in 3D. True or false?

                           5.  A chameleon’s tongue is                                                   .

                                 a)  longer than its body and very slow

                                 b)  thicker than its body and very fast

                                 c)  longer than its body and very fast

                           6.  If we call one of our friends a chameleon, he/she will feel                               .

                                 a) proud                        b) confident                     c) offended

                    Look at the things a doctor’s assistant does on an average day:

                           open the clinic – call the patients in the order of their appointments – help
                           the doctor with his/her equipment – give the patients medicines according to

                           the doctor’s prescription – close the clinic

                    D2.  Talk to your classmates and list the things each of the following people do

                           on a normal day. Include as many ac  vi  es as possible.

                           1.  a teacher                                   2.  a cricket player

                           3. a filmstar

                   E           Writing

                    To show things in a logical process we can use numbers.

                           1.  He boiled water.
                           2.  He added tea leaves.

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