Page 75 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 75

A     Comprehension

                    Answer these ques  ons.

                           1.  Where does the Big Baboon live?

                                 a)  in the mountains of Cariboo

                                 b)  in the Caribbean countries

                                 c)  upon the plains of Cariboo

                           2.  What does the Big Baboon wear?

                                 a)  leaves                           b)  old clothes discarded by people

                                 c) nothing
                           3.  What is shocking about the Big Baboon?

                           4.  How can the Big Baboon become a gentleman?

                           5.  Why does the poet wish that the Big Baboon wore a respectable dress?

                           6.  Have you seen a baboon in a zoo? What are the types of monkeys you

                           7.  Name some famous monkey characters from any stories you have read.

                   B      Sounds and Pronunciation

                    Say these words aloud and pay attention to the sounds the red letters make.

                                    paper              bamboo                 cap                 rug

                                   cobbler               grey                pack                 mug

                                     take                dark               bright               saved

                    Now say these words again keeping your fingers on your throat. You will notice
                    that when the sounds made by the letters b, g and d are pronounced there is a
                    vibration. The sounds made by p, k/c, and t are pronounced without a vibration.
                    Remember that all these letters, p, b, k, g, t and d, make consonant sounds. The
                    sounds that are produced with a vibration are called voiced sounds. The sounds
                    that are produced without a vibration are called voiceless sounds.

                    All vowel sounds are voiced. They are pronounced with a vibration.

                    Some consonant sounds are voiced. Some are voiceless.

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