Page 74 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 74

10              The Big Baboon

                    The Big Baboon is found upon

                    The plains of Cariboo:

                    He goes about with nothing on

                    (A shocking thing to do).

                    But if he dressed respectably

                    And let his whiskers grow,

                    How like this Big Baboon would be

                    To Mister So-and-so!

                                                   Hilaire Belloc

                     baboon : a large monkey with a long                 respectably : in a way people find

                            face                                                acceptable and good
                     plains : a large area of flat land                  whiskers : the long stiff hair on the
                     Cariboo : a place in British Columbia                      face of an animal

                            in Canada                                    Mister So-and-so : a gentleman
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