Page 78 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 78

11             Kites

                    A kite is carried up by the wind. Tugging at the string, it pulls upwards, dipping
                    and swaying. The string unwinds. The kite climbs higher and higher into the blue.
                    Its colourful shape looks beautiful against the sky. Flying a kite is a fun way to
                    spend a bright day.

                    People started flying kites over two
                    thousand years ago. The Chinese were
                    the first to fly kites. Several centuries
                    ago, Chinese travellers brought kites
                    to India, and now flying kites is a
                    favourite  pastime for both children
                    and adults.

                    Previously, kites were used for spying
                    in warfare. Aeroplanes were not
                    common in those days. Kites with
                    cameras tied to them were sent high
                    in the air to take pictures. The aerial
                    photographs would help soldiers find
                    out where the enemy forces were

                    hiding. Some armies used kites as
                    targets for shooting practice.

                    Scientists have used kites to carry
                    instruments high into the clouds.
                    These instruments would measure
                    and record temperature and wind
                    speed. Sometimes the kites couldn’t

                     tugging : pulling something hard and                the blue : the sky
                            repeatedly                                   pastime : something we do for
                     dipping : going downwards                                  enjoyment in free time

                     swaying : moving slowly from side to                spying : collecting secret information
                            side                                         aerial : taken from a height in the air
                     unwinds : undoes something that has                 targets : objects shooters aim at

                            been wrapped
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