Page 81 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 81

A     Comprehension

                    A1.  The table below contains both correct and incorrect informa  on about

                           kites. Use a pencil and blacken

                           •  the ‘yes’ bubble  Y  where the informa  on is correct.

                           •  the ‘no’ bubble  N  where the informa  on is incorrect.


                      materials       movements           places to                           uses
                       used for                               fly

                         glass              pull           rooftops          to collect electricity from the air

                         Y   N             Y   N             Y   N                            Y   N
                         sticks             flap             parks                          for fun

                         Y   N             Y   N             Y   N                            Y   N

                        fabric             shoot           hospitals              as a mode of transport

                         Y   N             Y   N             Y   N                            Y   N
                        paper              sway              halls                        for spying

                         Y   N             Y   N             Y   N                            Y   N

                        rubber              dip            beaches         to measure the heights of buildings

                         Y   N             Y   N             Y   N                            Y   N
                       bamboo               run            temples           to carry instruments into clouds

                         Y   N             Y   N             Y   N                            Y   N
                         steel             jump            factories             for film-shooting practice

                         Y   N             Y   N             Y   N                            Y   N

                       diamond             slide          highways                for aerial photography

                         Y   N             Y   N             Y   N                            Y   N

                    A2.  Each of the following sentences has two parts. But the parts are wrongly
                           paired. Pair the parts correctly and rewrite the sentences.

                           1.  Kites with cameras tied to them were used | because they were easy to
                                make and fly.

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