Page 83 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 83

B2.  The following sentences do not make sense. Correct them by replacing
                           the words in red with their opposites from the lesson.

                           1. Wind the cord and plug it into the socket before pushing the red button.

                           2.  Toothache is very uncommon among children of nine years.

                           3.  The fisherman tied the rope and began rowing the skiff.

                           4.  TV signals are sent with a dish antenna.

                           5.  An eagle cannot fly as low as an aeroplane.

                           6.  Can the speakers be detached from the music player?
                           7.  Ramya’s friends wished her an unsafe journey.

                           8.  A cotton shirt is costly, but a silk shirt is not.

                           9.  The sports instructor asked me to come the previous day.

                   C          Grammar

                    Read the following sentences:

                           When Franklin flew a kite, he got an electric shock.
                           Do not fly kites when there is a storm.

                           Kites were used for spying before aeroplanes became common.

                           Did Franklin fly kites after he got an electric shock?

                           Mr Mehra had a dangerous fall  while he was flying a kite from his roof

                    In these sentences the parts in red tell us about the time when something happened
                    or happens. We frequently use this type of clauses (meaningful groups of words
                    which include a verb) in daily conversation.

                    We choose the beginning words of a time clause according to their meaning.

                                        beginning word                      meaning

                                         when                   at that time

                                         before                 earlier than that time or event

                                         after                  later than that time

                                         while                  during that time

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