Page 88 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 88

A     Comprehension

                    A1.  Fill in the blanks correctly.

                           1.  The speaker of the poem is a                             .

                           2.  The traveller is riding on a                          .

                           3.  The glaring thing all around him is                             .

                           4.  The traveller says that                                           is ever at his side.

                           5.                      is prying everywhere.

                           6.  The traveller compares the desert to a wide                                .

                    A2.  Answer these ques  ons.

                           1.  Describe the camel’s movement.

                           2.  ‘It haunts me, it pursues me, if I flee or if I stand.’ What is ‘it’?

                           3.  Can the traveller hear any sounds? What?
                           4.  Why does the traveller feel that the sun is ‘prying everywhere’?

                           5.  What is the meaning of the phrase ‘desolately grand’?

                   B      Sounds and Pronunciation

                    Read out the following words aloud. Pay a  en  on to the sounds made by the

                    le  ers in red.
                                 around             sand            horizon           nothing            alone

                                  camel             hump          simmering           William           summer

                                 glaring          burning             sang            English         King Kong

                    Now pronounce these three sounds alone – m, n and ng (or ,  and ).

                    Close both your nostrils using the thumb and the index finger and then try to
                    pronounce these sounds again. Do they sound correct? They don’t. These sounds
                    are called nasal sounds because they are pronounced partly through the nose.

                     In words like summer, swimming, thinner and winning, the letters m and n occur
                      twice. But when these words are pronounced, the sounds are not doubled.
                      Write summer, but pronounce sumer. Write thinner, but pronounce thiner.

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