Page 89 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 89

B1.  Read the following words aloud. Listen to the nasal sounds they contain.
                           Then write them in the correct row in the table below.

                                   mother                 drink             knocking                 run
                                   column                anger                singing            morning

                                   planned              autumn                round                mount

                                microphone                ring               manner                 nine

                             words with one
                               nasal sound

                             words with two
                              nasal sounds

                    B2.  Replace one or two le  ers each in the following words to make new words

                           containing nasal sounds.

                           1. pet                                          2. rose

                           3. brick                                        4. wrist

                           5. day                                          6. supper

                    B3.  For each word in the fi rst column fi nd two rhyming words from the poem.
                           Then add two rhyming words of your own to the list.

                                               rhyming words from                             your own

                                                       the poem                            rhyming words






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