Page 86 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 86

12             On the Desert

                    All around,

                    To the bound

                    Of the vast horizon’s round,

                    All sand, sand, sand –

                    All burning, glaring sand –

                    On my camel’s hump I ride,

                    As he sways from side to side,

                    With an awkward step of pride,

                    And his scraggy head uplifted, and his eye

                    So long and bland.

                    Nothing is near,

                    In the blear

                     horizon : the distant line where the                awkward : (here) clumsy
                            sky appears to meet the land                 scraggy : very thin
                            or the sea                                   bland : dull
                     glaring : bright in an unpleasant way               blear : vagueness in the eye

                     sways : moves slowly from side to
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