Page 87 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 87

And the simmering atmosphere,

                    But the shadow on the sand,

                    The shadow of the camel on the sand;

                    All alone as I ride,

                    Over the desert’s ocean wide,

                    It is ever at my side;

                    It haunts me, it pursues me, if I flee or if I stand.

                    Not a sound

                    All around

                    Save the padded beat and bound

                    Of the camel on the sand

                    Of the feet of the camel on the sand.

                    Not a bird is in the air,

                    Though the sun, with burning stare,

                    Is prying everywhere,

                    Over the yellow thirsty desert, so

                    Desolately grand.

                                                        William Wetmore Story

                     simmering : very hot                                padded : dull (sound)
                     haunts : keeps following like a ghost               bound : jump

                     pursues : follows                                   stare : continuous and fixed look
                     fl ee : escape                                      prying : looking impolitely

                     save : (here) except                                desolately grand : empty, sad and
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