Page 93 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 93

down of a pot-lid, he sat up in bed, rubbed his eyes: there was the bewitched tea-

                    kettle covered with fur and sprouting out legs. In short, it was turning into a hairy

                    ‘Don’t beat me or shut me in a vinegar keg,’ it said, ‘because I am really kind-
                    hearted and wish you well.’

                    ‘What can I do for you?’ asked the tinker.

                    ‘Feed me a little rice now and then, and don’t put me on the fire as that stupid
                    priest did. Look here.’

                    Going over to a corner of the room and taking a fan from the rack, the badger
                    climbed up on the frame of the lamp, and began to dance on its one hind leg,
                    waving the fan with its forepaw. It played many other tricks, until the man started
                    up, and then the badger turned into a tea-kettle again.

                    Next morning the delighted tinker hired a professional showman to build a little

                    theatre and stage. Then he ordered an artist to paint scenery, with the sacred
                    mountain Fujiyama in the background and cranes flying through the air, a crimson
                    sun shining through the bamboo, a red moon rising over the waves, with golden
                    clouds and tortoises and such like. Then he stretched a tight rope of rice-straw
                    across the stage.  Handbills were stuck up in all the barber shops in town, and
                    wooden tickets branded with ‘Magic Tea-Kettle Performance, Admit One’ were sold.

                    The house was speedily filled, the people coming in parties, bringing their teapots

                    full of tea and picnic boxes full of rice, and eggs, and other refreshments; because
                    they came to stay all day. Mothers brought their babies with them. The children
                    enjoyed it most of all.

                    Then the tinker, dressed up in colourful clothes, with a big fan in his hand, came
                    out on the platform. He made a polite bow and set the wonderful tea-kettle on
                    the stage. At a wave of his fan, the kettle ran around on four legs, half badger and
                    half kettle, clanking its lid and wagging its tail. How the children shouted! Next

                     bewitched : having a magic spell                    refreshments : small amounts of food
                     hind leg : back leg                                        and drinks served to people

                     showman : a man who performs for                           during a public event
                            people’s entertainment                       clanking : sounding like pieces of
                     crimson : dark red                                         metal hitting each other

                     handbills : printed advertisements
                            given by hand
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