Page 98 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 98

The words in red describe the nouns that follow them. But these words also look

                    like verbs because they have the ending of a verb.
                           verb                 adjective

                           break         –      broken

                           frighten      –      frightened

                           dance         –      dancing

                           amaze         –      amazing

                    The -ing form and the past participle form (the third form) of verbs can be used as

                    Do not confuse verb-like adjectives with actual verbs.

                                used as actual verb                           used as verb-like adjective

                     The dog is barking at the stranger.               The stranger did not look at the
                                                                       barking dog.

                     Two young men were trekking in the                Only one man had trekking boots.

                     Uncle Jay had painted the wall many               There are black spots on the painted
                     months ago.                                       wall.

                     Sri Lankan team’s victory surprised               When I heard about Sri Lanka’s
                     everybody.                                        victory, I was surprised.*

                    C1.  Fill in the blanks in the following sentences using verb-like adjec  ves. The
                           verb to be used to make the adjec  ve is given in brackets.

                           1.  Sheena removed the                            jar from the cupboard. (leak)

                           2. Rajiv loves                        rice. (fry)

                           3.  The tinker was                         when the badger promised to perform a
                                show for him. (delight)
                           4.                      eagles can see the little rats on the ground. (fly)

                           5.  The movie I saw had both human actors and                                   characters.

                           6.                      dogs do not bite. (bark)

                    * See Grammar section of Lesson 1 for the use of adjectives after verb.
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