Page 102 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 102

14             The Violet

                    Down in a green and shady bed,

                    A modest violet grew;

                    Its stalk was bent, it hung its head

                    As if to hide from view.

                    And yet it was a lovely flower,
                    Its colour bright and fair;

                    It might have graced a rosy bower,

                    Instead of hiding there.

                    Yet there it was content to bloom,

                    In modest tints arrayed;

                    And there diffused a sweet perfume,

                    Within the silent shade.

                    Then let me to the valley go

                    This pretty flower to see;
                    That I may also learn to grow

                    In sweet humility.
                                                          Jane Taylor

                     modest : not trying to attract                      content : happy and satisfied
                            attention or impress others;                 bloom : produce flowers

                            shy                                          tints : faint shades of colour
                     violet : a small plant with white or                arrayed : arranged
                            purple flowers with a sweet                  diff used : spread widely
                            smell that appears in spring                 humility : the quality of being
                     stalk : a thin stem that supports a                        humble, that is, not thinking

                            leaf, flower or fruit                               that you are better than other
                     graced : made more attractive                              people
                     bower : a pleasant place under the

                            branches of a tree
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