Page 106 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 106

C           Activity

                    The poem ‘The Violet’ talks about a flower, its surroundings and its movements.
                    But the poem is not really about a flower. It is about the values of simplicity and
                    humility. The violet flower is used as a symbol for these values. In speech and
                    writing we often come across words that stand for an idea or concept. For example,

                    a ‘dove’ stands for peace and ‘iron’, for strength.

                    C1.  Consult parents, teachers, books or the Internet to  fi nd out what the

                           following words stand for.

                           1. tear

                           2. sweat

                           3. gold

                           4. fox

                           5. beacon

                           6. chain
                           7. crown

                           8. pen

                           9. sword

                          10. snail

                    C2.    Proverbs

                           A proverb is a well-known saying. It is usually a phrase or sentence that gives
                           advice or says that something is generally true. For example, the proverb
                           ‘Look before you leap’ means that we must think before taking any action so
                           that we do not make mistakes.

                    Read the proverbs below and fi nd out what they mean.

                           1.  One rotten apple spoils the barrel.
                           2.  All that glitters is not gold.

                           3.  A cat in glove catches no mice.

                           4.  Clothes make the man.

                           5.  When one door closes, another one opens.

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