Page 100 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 100


                    D2.  Read the following instruc  ons and do the chain-story ac  vity.

                           1.  Sit in circles of six students each.

                           2.  Each group will choose the beginning of a story.

                           3.  Student 1 will add a sentence to the beginning.
                           4.  Student 2 will add another sentence.

                           5.  Now continue in the clockwise direction.

                           6.  One member of the group will write down every new sentence and read
                                out the story so far before the next member speaks.

                           7.  Make sure to add sentences in a meaningful way.

                           Beginnings of some stories

                           1.  One morning when I woke up, I found that my desk lamp had turned
                                into a frog.

                           2.  Kuldeep Singh was travelling in a crowded bus. He did not get a place

                                to sit. When he reached for money in his pocket, he found his wallet
                           3.  In a jungle there lived a monkey which had two heads.

                   E           Writing

                    Imagine that you attended the tinker’s kettle-badger show. Write a letter to your
                    friend about what you saw. The beginning of the letter is given. The help questions

                    will give you an idea of what to write.

                    Help ques  ons

                           1.  What was on the stage when the performance began?

                           2.  Who was the presenter?

                           3.  What did he do with the kettle?

                           4.  What happened to the kettle?
                           5.  What did the badger do?

                           6.  What were the most interesting things the badger did?

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