Page 99 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 99

7.  ‘Did you fight with someone?’ Mother asked looking at Tony’s

                                                   shirt. (tear)
                           8.  Water occupies more space when it is                                . (freeze)

                           9. The                       ship in the picture is the Titanic. (sink)

                          10.  That noise is very                         . (irritate)

                    C2.  Circle the verb-like adjec  ves in the following sentences.

                           1.  The old man in the waiting room has a broken leg.
                           2.  He is reading an illustrated magazine.

                           3.  He is not looking at the crying child sitting next to him.

                           4.  The child is pulling at the old man’s reading glasses.

                           5.  ‘What are you doing?’ asks the annoyed old man.

                           6.  The frightened child is keeping mum.

                   D     Listening and Speaking


                    D1.  Listen to the ke  le-badger’s descrip  on of what
                           happened to it. Then answer the following
                           ques  ons.

                           1.  Write who each of these people are:

                                 a)  bald-headed old man

                                 b)  bald-headed young men

                                 c)  lean man with a moustache

                           2.  What was the dark, smelly room the kettle-
                                badger was talking about?
                           3.  Did the kettle-badger like his new master?

                           4.  The kettle-badger hated to perform in front of

                                an audience. True or false?
                           5.  Was the kettle-badger willing to go back to the temple?

                           6.  Why didn’t the kettle-badger ever appear as a badger after it was
                                returned to the temple?

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