Page 60 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 60

8             Dreams

                    Beyond, beyond the mountain line,

                    The grey-stone and the boulder,

                    Beyond the growth of dark green pine,

                    That crowns its western shoulder,

                    There lies that fairy-land of mine,

                    Unseen of a beholder.

                    Its fruits are all like rubies rare,

                    Its streams are clear like glasses;

                    There golden castles hang in the air,

                    And purple grapes in masses,

                    And noble knights and ladies fair

                    Come riding down the passes.

                                                C.F. Alexander

                     beyond : on the other side of                       in masses : in large numbers
                     boulder : very large rock                           noble : belonging to a family of high

                     pine : a tall forest tree with leaves                      social rank
                            like needles                                 knights : noblemen who fight for a
                     crowns : covers the top                                    king

                     beholder : the person who looks                     fair : beautiful
                     rubies rare : poet’s way of saying ‘rare            pass : a road through a mountain

                     castle : a large building with a fort
                            where a king lives
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