Page 31 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 31

C2.  Add correct punctua  on to the following quota  ons.

                           1.  suja exclaimed my red pen has run out of ink

                           2.  can I have a biscuit asked zohra

                           3.  I do not know swimming replied johnny

                   D     Listening and Speaking


                    D1.  Listen to the conversa  ons your teacher will read out and iden  fy where
                           the speakers are, from what they are saying.





                    D2. Group discussion

                    In a village there was a large pond. Many families got their drinking water from

                    the pond. In summer a washerman started coming to the pond to wash clothes.
                    The water began to turn undrinkable. The villagers asked the washerman not to
                    wash clothes in the pond. But he said that he was coming there because the river
                    had dried up, and this was the only pond in the village. Washing clothes was his
                    only means of livelihood.

                    In groups of four discuss how this problem can be solved. Find a solution that is
                    acceptable both to the villagers and to the washerman.

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