Page 33 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 33

4             The Free Man

                             I have a penny to spend,

                             There – thanks to nobody!

                             I have nothing to lend,

                             I will borrow from nobody.

                             I am nobody’s lord,

                             I will be slave to nobody.

                             I have a good broad sword,

                             I will take blows from nobody.

                             I will be merry and free,

                             I will be sad for nobody,

                             Nobody cares for me,

                             I care for nobody.

                                                     Robert Burns

                     penny : a small British coin and unit               lord : master
                            of money                                     slave : a person who is owned by

                     lend : give money to someone on                            another person and is forced
                            condition that they will pay it                     to work for the owner
                            back after some time                         take blows : be hurt
                     borrow : take money from someone                    merry and free : happy and cheerful

                            on condition that you will
                            return it to them later
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