Page 30 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 30

6.  Is a pigeon                       a dove? (not alike)

                           7. Goa is                       its beaches. (well known)

                           8.  You can pass the test if you are                          mathematics. (skilful)

                           9.  People are not                         the Indian cricket team’s performance.

                          10. ‘I’m                        eating sandwiches every day for breakfast,’
                                complained Kamla. (bored)

                                           famous for  kind to  full of  good at

                                           happy with  similar to  different from

                                                thankful to  afraid of  tired of

                                                      Punctua  on: Quota  ons

                    Look at the punctuation marks used in the following quotation:
                           Shibi said, ‘Please do not harm this pigeon.’

                    When we are writing down the exact words someone has said, we need to put
                    those words within quotation marks. Remember these rules about punctuating


                     1.  Put a comma after introducing the speaker. The comma should be put at

                          the end of the words quoted if the speaker is introduced after the quotation.
                     2.  The first word of the quotation is capitalized.

                     3.  Quotation marks go around the words people say.

                     4.  Punctuation at the end, or at a break in the quote, goes inside the quotation

                    Let’s see how these rules are applied in the example:

                                                 quotation marks go around the words people say

                                 Shibi said, ‘Please do not harm this pigeon.’

                           comma after                  the first word of the        punctuation at the end of the quote
                      introducing the speaker         quotation is capitalized         goes inside the quotation marks

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