Page 26 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 26

Shibi at once ordered a balance to be brought. In one of its dishes he placed the

                    pigeon. He then cut a chunk of flesh from his thigh with a sword and put it in the
                    other dish. The pigeon’s dish hung low. Shibi now cut a larger chunk of flesh and
                    placed in the dish. The pigeon still outweighed the flesh. Shibi kept carving his
                    body until there was barely any flesh left around his bones. The balance was still
                    heavier on the pigeon’s side. Finally Shibi himself mounted the dish hoping to
                    equal the weight of the bird.

                    Suddenly divine music filled the air and the heavens showered flowers on Shibi.

                    The falcon and the pigeon disappeared and in their places stood Indra, the king of
                    gods, and Agni, the god of fire.

                    Indra said, ‘Shibi, Agni and I came down from the heaven to test you. You have
                    proved that you are far greater than people think. You will have a life full of
                    happiness, and you will always be remembered by mankind.’

                    Shibi’s wounds disappeared as soon as these words were spoken. He closed his
                    eyes in humble prayer as the gods vanished.

                   A     Comprehension

                    A1.  Choose the correct answer.

                           1.  King Shibi was famous for

                                 a)  his hunting skills.
                                 b)  kindness to birds.

                                 c)  kindness and good governance.

                           2.  In return for the pigeon’s life, Shibi offered the falcon

                                 a)  a hundred gold coins.

                                 b) his kingdom.

                                 c) another pigeon.

                     chunk : a thick solid piece                         humble : modest

                     outweighed : weighed more                           vanished : disappeared suddenly
                     divine : related to gods

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