Page 21 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 21

Like an army defeated

                                    The snow hath retreated,

                                      And now doth fare ill

                                   On the top of the bare hill;

                         The ploughboy is whooping – anon – anon:

                                  There’s joy in the mountains;

                                  There’s life in the fountains;

                                     Small clouds are sailing,

                                       Blue sky prevailing;

                                   The rain is over and gone!

                                                          William Wordsworth

                     retreated : moved away or back                      whooping : expressing joy and
                     fare ill : exist with difficulty                       excitement with a loud cry

                     ploughboy : a boy who leads the                     prevailing : existing
                         animals that draw a plough
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