Page 16 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 16

The thing to describe + appropriate form of ‘be’ (is/are/was/were) + the adjective

                                                      subject + verb + adjective

                     in the present tense                         Truth + is + beautiful.

                                                                  The sun + is + hot.

                      in the past tense                           The way + was + rough.
                                                                  The robbers + were + cruel.
                     using more than one describing               The day + is + bright, warm and beautiful.

                     word                                         The man + was + tall, thin and dark.

                      with adverbs                                The water in the pool + is + very cold.
                                                                  The king + was + extremely kind.

                    To make these descriptive sentences negative, add not after the verb.

                           The sun is not hot. OR The sun isn’t hot.

                           The way was not rough. OR The way wasn’t rough.
                           The man was not tall, thin and dark. OR The man wasn’t tall, thin and dark.
                           The water in the pool is not very cold. OR The water in the pool isn’t very cold.

                    The table below shows the parts of ten descrip  ve sentences. Write down these

                    sentences using the appropriate form of the verb ‘be’. Number 1 and 6 are done
                    for you.

                                                               time      positive  adverb            adjective(s)
                                                                        negative 
                       1. Sumit                              present                       —      intelligent

                       2. This park                          present                       —      clean and green

                       3. The players                        past                          —      tired
                       4. The student                        past                          —      lazy

                       5. The weather in Germany             past                          —      cold
                       6. Some people                        present                       —      honest

                       7. The railway platform               past                                 dark and

                       8. The food at the restaurant present                             very     tasty
                       9. The patient                        past                      slightly upset

                     10. The lights                          past                       clearly visible

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