Page 14 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 14

B         Vocabulary

                    B1.  Fill in the blanks with words from the lesson. The answer in each sentence

                           is the opposite of the word in brackets.

                           1.  ‘He is not telling the                    ,’ the police inspector said. (falsehood)

                           2.  Some birds fly to                        countries in winter. (nearby)
                           3.  Walking on the railway track is                             . (safe)

                           4. Only                       are afraid of ghosts. (brave people)

                           5.  After Sambhav moved to another school, Zubin                                     him as
                                the school football team captain. (preceded)

                                                 Same Word, Diff erent Meanings

                    Read these sentences paying attention to the words in red:

                           Despise that which is base.
                                             not having morals

                           Who will succeed Vaishakh as the school captain?
                               take the position after

                    The sentences below use the words  base and  succeed with totally different

                           The base of the pan is red.
                            the lowest part
                           Those who study well will succeed.
                                                  be successful, achieve

                    The spelling or pronunciation of these words does not change when the meaning

                     Words that have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings
                     are called homonyms.

                    Look at some more homonyms from the lesson:

                                               a place where children learn

                                               Otanes was sent to a famous school.
                                               a large number of fish or sea animals

                                               a school of dolphins

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