Page 13 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 13

The robber chief was struck by this answer. He thought of the number of times

                    that he himself had been a coward. Then he said, ‘You are a brave boy, and you
                    may keep your gold. Here it is. Mount your horse, and my own men will ride with
                    you and see that you reach the end of your journey in safety.’

                    Otanes, in time, became one of the famous men of his country. He was the advisor
                    and friend of two of the kings who succeeded Cyrus.

                                                                                                      James Baldwin

                   A     Comprehension

                    Answer these ques  ons.

                           1.  Persian boys were taught at home and at school to

                                 a)  travel to distant cities.

                                 b) fight robbers.

                                 c)  tell the truth.
                           2.  Who said this: ‘Truth is beautiful. Always love it’?

                           3.  Why did Otanes’s parents want to send him to a distant city?

                           4.  Say whether true or false.

                                 a)  Otanes travelled with a band of robbers.

                                 b)  Otanes had forty pieces of gold on him.

                                 c)  Otanes told the robbers that he had no money.

                                 d)  The robber chief realized that he had been a coward.

                           5.  Where did Otanes keep his money?

                                 a)  in his pocket
                                 b)  in his hat

                                 c)  in a fellow traveller’s bag

                           6.  Why didn’t the robbers believe Otanes?

                           7.  What happened to Otanes in later life?

                     struck : made to think                              succeeded : took the job after
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