Page 11 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 11

1             The Boy and the Robbers

                    In Persia, when Cyrus the Great was king, boys were taught to tell the truth. This
                    was one of their first lessons at home and at school.

                    ‘None but a coward will tell a falsehood,’ said the father of young Otanes.

                    ‘Truth is beautiful. Always love it,’ said his mother.

                    When Otanes was twelve years old, his parents wished to send him to study in a
                    famous school in a distant city. It would be a long journey and a dangerous one.
                    So it was arranged that the boy should travel with a small company of merchants
                    who were going to the same place.

                    ‘Goodbye, Otanes! Be always brave and truthful,’ said his father.

                    ‘Farewell, my child! Love that which is beautiful. Despise that which is base,’ said
                    his mother.

                    The little company began its
                    long journey. Some of the
                    men rode on camels, some on

                    horses. They went but slowly,
                    for the sun was hot and the
                    way was rough.

                    Suddenly, towards evening, a
                    band of robbers swooped down
                    upon them. The merchants
                    were not fighting men. They

                    could do nothing but give up
                    all their goods and money.

                     Persia : the former name of Iran                    despise : feel a strong dislike for

                     coward : a person without courage                          something or someone
                     merchants : wholesale traders                       base : not having morals
                                                                         swooped down : made a rapid

                                                                                surprise attack
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