Page 24 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 24

3             King Shibi and the Two Birds

                    King Shibi was famous all over the world and in the heaven for his kindness and
                    good governance. He made sure that every being in his kingdom got justice and
                    lived in peace.

                    One day Shibi saw in his garden a wounded pigeon flapping its wings in a desperate
                    effort to fly. The king lifted the bird from the ground and wrapped it in his shawl to
                    comfort it. The next moment he saw a fierce falcon landing on the parapet. Shibi
                    at once realized how the pigeon was wounded and why it looked so frightened.

                                                                 The falcon spoke in a human voice: ‘O king,
                                                                 you are known as a kind ruler living for the

                                                                 well-being of your subjects. But today you
                                                                 are being cruel to me. I saw you guarding
                                                                 that pigeon, which was my prey. Why do you
                                                                 snatch my food from me?’

                                                                 Shibi replied, ‘O king of birds, this poor pigeon
                                                                 is hurt and tired. It came to my refuge trusting
                                                                 that I would save its life. Just as you do not

                                                                 want to die of hunger, this little bird does not
                                                                 want to be eaten by a predator. Please tell me
                                                                 in return for this pigeon’s life what other food
                                                                 I can offer you.’

                                                                 The falcon said, ‘Food is the first choice of
                                                                 every living thing. Without food we all die. If
                                                                 I die, my little children that have just hatched

                                                                 will not survive either. Please decide if it is

                     governance : ruling of a country                    snatch : take something quickly; grab
                     justice : fair treatment of people                  refuge : protection from danger
                     desperate : hopeless                                trusting : (here) believing

                     fi erce : wild and ready to attack                  predator : an animal that kills and
                     parapet : a low wall along the edge of                     eats other animals
                            a balcony                                    survive : continue to live despite

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