Page 27 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 27

3.  The falcon and the pigeon were actually                                  respectively.

                                 a)  Indra and Surya

                                 b)  Agni and Varuna

                                 c)  Indra and Agni

                    A2.  Say whether true or false.

                           1.  Shibi did not like falcons.

                           2.  The falcon was arguing intelligently.

                           3.  At the end of the story the falcon and the pigeon became friends and
                                they flew away together.

                    A3.  Answer these ques  ons.

                           1.  How was the pigeon wounded?

                           2.  What was the falcon’s argument for hunting the pigeon?

                           3.  What solution did the falcon offer for the king’s dilemma about justice?

                           4.  Why did King Shibi himself mount the dish of the balance?

                           5.  Can you offer any other just solution for the problem of the falcon and
                                the pigeon?

                   B         Vocabulary


                           Read these pairs of words:

                                 predator – prey       cat – mouse

                           Cat is related to mouse as predator is related to prey. This kind of comparison
                           between two pairs of words is called an analogy.

                    B1.  Complete the following analogies with suitable words.

                           1.  Boy is to girl as                  is to woman.

                           2.  July is to August as                    is to February.

                           3.  King is to kingdom as                             is to school.
                           4.  Food is to hungry as drink is to                        .

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