Page 32 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 32

E           Writing

                                                         Wri  ng a Paragraph

                    We write a paragraph to focus on one specific idea. The paragraph gives the reader

                    a clear picture about the person, place, thing or idea we are writing about.

                    These are the parts of a paragraph:
                           1.  The topic sentence introduces the main idea. It tells the reader what the
                                paragraph is going to be about.

                           2.  The body is the main part of the paragraph. Here you tell the reader

                                about your topic by giving supporting details. The sentences in the body
                                should explain the topic more clearly with the help of details.
                           3.  The closing sentence summarizes the main idea in an interesting way.


                          It is interesting to compare birds and aeroplanes. Both birds and planes

                          have wings. Birds have two wings and feathers on their wings. Birds
                          flap their wings to fly. Most aeroplanes also have two wings. Unlike a
                          bird’s wings, an aeroplane’s wings do not flap. They are made of metal
                          and have no feathers on them. Birds are much smaller than planes.
                          Birds are living animals, but aeroplanes are machines. We can call
                          aeroplanes giant metallic birds.

                                                             topic sentence


                                                             closing sentence

                    Write paragraphs on these topics:

                           1. rhinoceros

                           2.  mobile phones and fixed phones

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