Page 36 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 36

5             The Adventures of Little Al

                    Thomas Alva Edison is one of the best-known inventors in history. He was the
                    youngest of the seven children of his parents, and everyone called him ‘Al’. Young
                    Al was a weak and fragile child with an unusually large head. For some years he
                    was not allowed to go to school because of poor health.

                    Al was poor at studies. Once a teacher said in front of his mother that he was
                    ‘addled’. His mother was a teacher herself. She decided to withdraw Al from school
                    and educate him at home.

                                                               As a boy, Edison’s curiosity and daring led him
                                                               into unusual adventures. At the age of six he

                                                               went missing one day. After an anxious search
                                                               his father found him sitting in a nest he had
                                                               made in the  barn. The nest was filled with
                                                               goose-eggs and hens’ eggs he had collected.
                                                               Edison had noted the way a goose hatched her
                                                               eggs by sitting on them, and he wanted to try it
                                                               out himself!

                                                               Though Edison did not attend school regularly,
                                                               he used to read every book in his reach. His
                                                               parents were educated and refined people with
                                                               a good library at home. He read voraciously,
                                                               mostly books on history and science. He even
                                                               tried reading scientific books that were beyond
                                                               the grasp of a child.

                     fragile : weak and likely to become ill             barn : a large farm building to store
                     addled : confused; not able to think                       grain and keep animals in
                            clearly                                      hatched : made a young bird come
                     withdraw : take back                                       out of the egg

                     educate : teach                                     refi ned : well educated and having a
                     curiosity : strong wish to know                            high position in society
                            something                                    voraciously : regularly and in large

                     daring : courage                                           quantities
                     anxious : feeling worried                           grasp : understanding
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