Page 41 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 41

By adding the suffix -or to the verb invent we got the noun inventor, which means

                    ‘a person who invents’.

                    B2.  Look at the list of suffi  xes and example words formed using them. Add

                           two more examples of your own for each suffi  x.

                           -ion       creation        education

                           -ship      hardship        relationship

                           -ness      deafness        cleverness

                           -or        operator        inspector

                           -er        teacher         recorder

                   C          Grammar

                                                           Talking about Age

                    To talk about a person’s age we use the kind of expressions highlighted in the
                    sentences below.

                                 At the age of six he went missing.

                                 I am nine years old.

                                 She is fourteen.

                    The preposition at is used when we talk about age.

                                 at the age of forty-five      not       in/on the age of forty-five

                                 at fourteen                   not       in/on fourteen

                    Age expressions can be used to talk about someone’s age in the past, in the present
                    or in the future.

                                  past          She joined school at the age of six.

                                  present       Children join school at the age of six.

                                  future        Her children will join school at the age of six.

                                  past          Satish was twelve (years old) in 2013.

                                  present       Satish is fourteen (years old) now.
                                  future        Satish will be sixteen (years old) in 2017.

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