Page 45 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 45

name of            any experiment they have                what happened during
                       the classmate                  done at home                        the experiment?

                   E           Writing

                    Complete this story about the fl ying shoes.

                    One Sunday morning I got a call from my friend Sarat. He asked me to rush
                    immediately to his house. He said he had something amazing to show me.

                    As soon as I entered, Sarat closed the door and led me to a room at the back of
                    the house. He opened a box and showed me two pairs of shoes. Did he call me
                    specially to show his new shoes? I was disappointed.

                    But when Sarat put on the shoes, I was stunned. He flew up in the air and was
                    hovering over my head now!

                    ‘Hey, put on the other pair. We’ll have some fun today,’ said Sarat holding on to the
                    ceiling fan. . . (Write the rest of the story in your notebook.)

                   F           Activity

                    Edison had to face many difficulties as a young experimenter. Yet, he was not
                    disheartened, and continued with his experiments. Perseverance is the ability to
                    constantly try despite difficult situations. What would have happened if Edison
                    had stopped experimenting? Discuss in groups of four.

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