Page 43 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 43

To make negative sentences in simple past we use did not or didn’t with the root

                    form of the verb.
                           Edison did not work as a clerk.

                           He did not keep his equipment in the kitchen.
                           The conductor did not allow Edison to continue his experiment.

                    C2.  Tick the sentences that are in the simple past tense. Cross the ones that
                           are not.

                           1.  I met Divya in the library.

                           2.  India will play in Australia next year.

                           3.  The children went to their uncle’s house last weekend.
                           4.  I get up at six o’clock every day.

                           5.  The teacher did not ask us to write in the textbook.

                    C3.  Complete the following story using the past tense forms of the verbs in

                           Florence Nightingale                      (be) born in 1820. She                       (like)
                           books. She always                       (help) others. She                      (decide) to

                           become a nurse and                       (become) successful in that profession.

                           During a war, Florence                       (run) a hospital for soldiers. At first the
                           hospital                  (be) very dirty. The soldiers                     (get) very sick
                           there. She                  (work) hard to keep them from dying. She

                           (clean) the place. At night she                       (carry) a lamp to light her way

                           as she                  (work). She                   (come) to be known as ‘the lady
                           with the lamp’. She                     (save) thousands of lives.

                   D     Listening and Speaking


                    D1.  Listen carefully to your teacher read out the passage. Write the missing
                           words in the blanks.

                    Ramana Athreya is an                        birdwatcher. He recently                         a rare

                    discovery. Ramana spotted a brand new species of bird. He found the small,
                                   bird in a forest.
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