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(c)  Square pyramid
                                  O                         F = 5: ABCD, DAO, OCD, OBC, OAB

                        Vertex                              E = 8: AB, BC, CD, DA, OA, OB, OC, OD
                                                            V = 5: O, A, B, C, D
                                            Face            So, F + V = E + 2
                         A                    Edge
                                  Fig. 16.5
                    (d)  Triangular pyramid or tetrahedron
                                       O    Vertex
                                                            F = 4: ABC, BOC, AOB, AOC
                                              Edge          E = 6: AB, BC, AC, OA, OB, OC
                                              Face          V = 4: O, A, B, C
                                                            So, F + V = E + 2
                         A                C

                              Fig. 16.6
                    (e)  Triangular prism
                                      F  Vertex
                                D         E  Edge           F = 5: ABC, DEF, ACFD, BCEF, ABED

                                                            E = 9: AB, BC, AC, DE, EF, DF, AD, BE, CF
                                C       Face                V = 6: A, B, C, D, E, F
                                                            So, F + V = E + 2
                          A        B
                            Fig. 16.7
                    The following are examples of simple closed surfaces that are not polyhedron as they are not made of polygons
                    (Fig. 16.8).

                                                                             Base                     Base
                                 surface                 Lateral                  Lateral
                                                         surface                 surface

                                             Sphere             Cone                     Cylinder
                                                                     Fig. 16.8

                    Regular Polyhedron: If the faces of a polyhedron are made up of convex,
                    congruent regular polygons such that the same number of faces meet at each
                    vertex, a polyhedron is called regular polyhedron. For example, a cube
                    However, a cuboid is not a regular polyhedron since its faces are neither
                    regular nor congruent rectangles. Fig. 16.9 is also not a regular polyhedron   (a) A regular    (b) Not a regular
                    because though its faces are congruent triangles, the vertices are not formed   polyhedron  polyhedron
                    by the same number of faces.                                                       Fig. 16.9

                    Convex Polyhedron: If in any polyhedron, the line segment joining any two points lie entirely inside the
                    polyhedron, then it is called a convex polyhedron (Fig. 16.10(a)). Otherwise it is a concave polyhedron
                    (Fig. 16.10(b)). Cube, cuboid, pyramid and prism are examples of convex polyhedrons.

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