Page 258 - ICSE Math 6
P. 258

Decimal to Fraction                              Fraction to Decimal
                                 •  Write the given number                        •  Convert the fraction into its
                                  without decimal point as the                      equivalent decimal fraction.
                                  numerator.                                      •   Take the numerator and put
                                 •   Write 1 in the denominator                     the decimal point after as
                                  followed by as many zeros     CONVERSION          many digits from the right
                                  as the number of digits after                     as the number of zeroes in
                                  the decimal point.                                the denominator.
                                    E.g.: 23.456 =  23456                            E.g.:   12   =   96   = 0.096
                                               1000                                     125   1000

                    SET THEORY

                             Types of Sets          Cardinality                      Representation of a Set

                     Finite sets:  Having finite number   Equal to number
                               of elements          of elements            Roaster form                 Set-builder form

                                                                          {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}              {x : x is an even
                    Infinite sets:  Having infinite   Not defined                                     number less than 10}
                               number of elements

                                                                        A well defined collections of objects.
                     Empty sets: Having no element     Zero              E.g.: All even numbers from 1 to 10.


                                        Proportion                                            Ratio
                          Two equal ratios are said to be in proportion.           Method of comparison by division

                                       x : y : : a : b
                          • Mean terms: y and a                                 First term or   a : b  Second term
                          • Extreme terms: x and b                               antecedent           or consequent
                          •  Product  of  extremes  =  Product  of  means
                            i.e., x × b = y × a

                          Direct Variation                                Indirect Variation
                          Two quantities are in direct variation, if an increase   Two quantities are in indirect variation, if an increase
                          or decrease in one quantity causes a corresponding   or decrease in one quantity causes a corresponding
                          increase or decrease in the other quantity.     decrease or increase in the other quantity.
                          For e.g.: Number of books bought and the cost.  For e.g.: Amount of work done and number of workers.


                               CONSTANT                   Degree of a Polynomial                Coefficient
                             A quantity with
                             fixed           A            The highest power of the        Coefficient of a factor in a
                             numerical    quantity                                        term is the product of the
                             value.       whose           literal(s) in its terms, For e.g.:
                                       numerical          The degree of polynomial        remaining factors of the
                                      value is not        2                               term. For e.g.: Coefficient
                                          fixed.          x  + 2x – 1 is 2.
                                  VARIABLE                                                of x in 2xy is 2y.

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