Page 254 - ICSE Math 6
P. 254

Self-Testing Exercise 6

                                                           DATA HANDLING

                      1.  The data below shows the lengths (in cm) of 25 leaves that Shruti collected.
                         6, 7, 5, 8, 7, 5, 3, 7, 4, 6, 5, 3, 5, 2, 4, 3, 7, 6, 6, 7
                         Arrange the lengths of leaves in a table using tally marks.
                      2.  The number of milk bottles sold by a shopkeeper on consecutive days is as follows.

                                Day         Monday       Tuesday     Wednesday     Thusday       Friday      Saturday
                            Number of
                            bottles sold       250          300          150          200          350          450

                         Prepare a pictograph of the given data using one symbol to represent 50 bottles.
                      3.  The  heights  of  8  students  are:  152  cm,  148  cm,  154  cm,  151  cm,  144  cm,  150  cm,
                          148 cm, 153 cm. Find their average height.

                      4.  The blood pressure of 10 patients who visited a doctor are: 165, 130, 142, 145, 135, 190 175,
                          172, 130, 158
                         For the above data, evaluate the: (a) mean  (b) median
                      5.  Draw a bar graph to represent the data given below.

                                Month           January     February      March        April       May          June

                            Money spent in
                            travelling (in `)     600          300         250         600          450         500

                      6.  The adjoining bar graph represents the number of pages in different books. Answer the following
                          questions using the bar graph.

                          (a)  Which book has the maximum number of pages?
                          (b)  Which book has the minimum number of pages?            Number of pages 500
                          (c)  Is there any book which has less than 200 pages?        200

                          (d)  State True or False.                                    100

                               Books B and E have the same number of pages.              0    A    B     C    D     E

   249   250   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259