Page 159 - ICSE Math 6
P. 159

5.  Using the adjoining figure, name the pair(s) of:
                         (a)  parallel lines                                             l            m
                        (b)  perpendicular lines

                         (c)  intersecting lines                                                      n
                      6.  Fill in the blanks.
                         (a)  Every line segment consists of __________ number of points.
                        (b)  The figures which have different beginning and end points are known as __________ figures.
                         (c)  A plane has __________ length and breadth.

                        (d)  A triangle is a __________ figure formed by __________ line segments.
                         (e)  In a rectangle, opposite sides are __________.
                         (f)  In a square, all sides are equal and each angle is of __________.
                        (g)  The distance of any point on a circle from the centre is known as __________ of the circle.
                      7.  Give two examples from your surroundings of the following.
                        (a)  point              (b)  line segment       (c)  ray                (d)  plane

                      8.  Given a line segment AB, draw figures for the following.
                        (a)  ray AB             (b)  ray BA             (c)  line AB         A           B

                      9.  Which of the following are intersecting lines?
                                                                 l                      l           m
                        (a)                     (b)                     (c)                     (d)
                             l     m                                            m

                    Incidence Properties

                    The relations between points and lines are known as incidence properties.
                    Property 1: One and only one line passes through two distinct
                    points in a plane.
                    Draw two points A and B. An infinite number of lines can be             A                 B
                    drawn through A and B, but there is only one line which passes
                    through both the points A and B.
                    Property 2: Two different lines in a plane are either parallel                l
                    or intersect at exactly one point.                                             m                  l
                    Draw two lines  l and  m  such  that  they  do  not  intersect.
                    Observe that they are parallel. Now, draw l and m such that                                        m
                    they intersect. Observe that they intersect at one point. Now,      Parallel lines    Intersecting lines
                    draw l and m such that they intersect at more than one point.            l
                    Observe that they are the same line.                                     m

                    Collinear and Non-collinear Points

                    Three or more points are known as collinear points if all of                C              B
                    them lie on the same line, otherwise they are known as non-          A  B              A       C
                    collinear  points.  The  line  on  which  collinear  points  lie  is   Collinear points  Non-collinear points
                    known as the line of collinearity.

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