Page 156 - ICSE Math 6
P. 156

Line segment

                    A line segment is a part of a line from one fixed point to the other. A line segment has two end points
                    and a definite length. Given below is a line segment denoted by  AB or BA.

                                                            A                  B
                    Although a line segment has a definite length, it consists of infinite number of points. The edges of a
                    ruler and the edges of a table are examples of line segments.

                    A ray is a part of a line which starts from a fixed point and moves endlessly in a direction. Given
                    below is a ray denoted by  PQ .
                                                        P                  Q
                    An arrow on one side of a ray shows that the ray extends indefinitely in one direction only. A ray has
                    only one end point also known as its initial point. Two rays AB and AC having the same initial point
                    A and moving in opposite directions are known as opposite rays.

                                                           C         A         B

                    A plane is a flat surface. It has infinite length       A
                    and breadth and hence extends infinitely. A         M        N  p               Maths Info
                    plane  consists  of  infinite  number  of  points        R    C           The lines which lie in the same
                    and lines. It is denoted by small letters like p     B         Q          plane are known as coplanar
                    or q or by three points (not in a straight line)    Plane p or Plane ABC  lines.
                    drawn on it.
                    Top of a table and surface of a sheet of paper are some examples of a plane.

                    Space is a set containing innumerable points. Thus, all points, lines and planes belong to space.
                    Space has infinite length, breadth and height. For example, walls, floor, ceiling and the interior of a
                    room are part of space.

                    Parallel lines                                                                                  m

                    Two  lines  which  lie  in  the  same  plane  and  do  not  meet  even  when  extended             l
                    indefinitely are known as parallel lines. The distance between two parallel lines
                    always remains the same. In the adjoining figure, lines l and m are parallel to each
                    other and are represented by l || m (read as l is parallel to m).

                    Intersecting lines

                    Two  lines  which  lie  in  the  same  plane
                    and have a common point are known as                             l
                    intersecting lines. The common point is                                                   l
                    known  as  the  point  of  intersection.  In              O                                 O
                    the adjoining figures, lines l and m are                               m               m
                    intersecting lines and O is their point of

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