Page 160 - ICSE Math 6
P. 160

Concurrent and Non-concurrent Lines

                    Three or more lines are known as concurrent lines if all of                l        r          q
                    them pass through the same point, otherwise they are known                    m                   p
                    as non-concurrent lines. The point of intersection of concurrent      O
                    lines is known as the point of concurrence. In the adjoining                 n
                    figure, lines l, m and n are concurrent and O is the point of    Concurrent lines  Non-concurrent lines

                                                             EXERCISE 14.2

                      1.  Write True or False.
                         (a)  Infinite number of lines can be drawn passing through a point.
                        (b)  Two lines can be drawn passing through two distinct points.
                         (c)  Two different lines are either parallel or intersect at a single point.

                        (d)  Concurrent lines always meet at a single point.
                         (e)  Three or more points are collinear if they lie in the same plane.
                      2.  If the lines l, m, p and q intersect at A, then what are they called?

                      3.  Given two points A and B, how many lines can be drawn passing through:
                         (a)  point A?
                        (b)  point B?

                         (c)  both the points A and B?
                      4.  Given two points A and B in the adjoining figure, draw a point P such that:

                        (a)  the three points are collinear.                                          A        B
                        (b)    the three points do not lie on a line.
                        (c)  P is between A and B and the three points are collinear.
                      5.  Using the adjoining figure, name the following.                                  C

                         (a)  Three collinear points                                                       B   D    m
                        (b)  Three non-collinear points                                              A
                         (c)  Point of concurrence                                                           n

                                                              AT A GLANCE

                    ¾   A point is a mark of position. It has no length, breadth and thickness.
                    ¾   A line is a collection of points along an endless straight path.
                    ¾   A line segment is a part of a line from one fixed point to other.
                    ¾   A ray is a part of a line which starts from a fixed point and moves endlessly in one direction.
                    ¾   A plane is a flat surface having infinite length and breadth.
                    ¾   Space is a set of points having infinite length, breadth and height.
                    ¾   Two lines lying in the same plane which do not meet even when extended indefinitely are known
                        as parallel lines.
                    ¾   Two lines lying in the same plane and having a common point are known as intersecting lines.

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