Page 21 - ICSE Math 5
P. 21

4.  Write the predecessor and the successor of the given numbers.
                            (a) 8,14,99,999                 (b) 3,21,46,794                  (c) 78,43,14,621

                      5.  Write the smallest and the largest 7-digit, 8-digit and 9-digit numbers.
                      6.  Write the following numbers in expanded form.

                            (a) 26,09,48,672                (b) 8,23,40,817                  (c) 15,43,540
                      7.  Arrange the following numbers in ascending and descending orders.

                            (a)  88,76,042; 88,87,549; 88,78,432
                           (b)  2,03,14,620; 2,03,14,635; 2,03,14,627

                      8.  Write the smallest and the largest numbers using the digits 7, 4, 3, 0, 1, 2, 9 and 8
                           without repeating any digit.
                      9.  Round off 1,12,24,531 to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000.

                      10.  Rewrite this news headline by rounding off the number to the nearest 100.

                           ‘Police claimed that the stolen gold was worth ` 32,71,497’.

                               Values and Life Skills

                    The area of land drained by the river Ganges is about 10,80,000 km . Write the number name for
                    this number in both the Indian and International number systems. What should we do to keep
                    our rivers clean?


                         What To Do?

                         To check the understanding of 9-digit numbers, their number names and ordering
                         What We Need?
                         A pencil, paper and the Internet

                         How To Do?
                                Using the  Internet, find out and write the         Country           Population

                               present population of the countries that are      United States
                               mentioned in the given table.                     Japan
                                Now based on the collected data, do as          Russia
                                (a)   Write the population of the given countries
                                    in both the Indian and International
                                    number systems.

                               (b)  Arrange the populations in ascending and descending orders.

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