Page 18 - ICSE Math 5
P. 18

                                                                   Since 8 > 7 on comparing the two numbers,
                                                                   therefore 8,06,13,408 > 7,89,21,036.
                                  Thus, the ascending order and the descending order of the given numbers are as

                                  Ascending order: 83,43,999 < 7,89,21,036 < 8,06,13,408 < 13,00,55,444
                                  Descending order: 13,00,55,444 > 8,06,13,408 > 7,89,21,036 > 83,43,999

                    Formation of Numbers

                    We know that we can form different numbers by arranging the given digits in different orders and
                    changing their place values.

                     •  If the digits are arranged in ascending order, we obtain the smallest number.
                     •  If the digits are arranged in descending order, we obtain the largest number.
                    Example 9:  Form the smallest and the largest numbers using the digits 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 4 and 7.

                    Solution:     The smallest 7-digit number that can be formed using the digits, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 4 and
                                  7 is 12,34,567 and the largest 7-digit number that can be formed is 76,54,321.

                               Exercise 1.3

                      1.  Compare the following pairs of numbers. Put the correct sign <, > or =.

                            (a) 76,25,434        96,52,434                (b)  1,08,33,409        98,92,489

                            (c) 13,05,99,318         8,66,92,439          (d)  94,92,085        4,94,93,136

                      2.  In an auto expo, some new cars are showcased. Their prices are mentioned below.

                                    A                           B                     C                     D
                              ` 13,05,382                ` 2,03,45,500           ` 89,32,000          ` 4,45,89,414

                            (a)  Compare the prices of the following cars. Put the correct sing <, > or =.

                                 (i) Car A        Car C                       (ii)  Car D      Car B

                                (iii) Car C       Car B                      (iv)  Car D       Car A

                           (b)  Arrange the prices of the cars in descending order.

                            (c)  Among the given cars, which is the most expensive and which is the least expensive?

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