Page 16 - ICSE Math 5
P. 16

Example 5:  Write the standard form of the following.
                                  (a)   4 crores + 2 ten lakhs + 3 lakhs + 4 ten thousands + 1 thousand + 5 tens + 4 ones

                                  (b)  8,00,00,000 + 40,00,000 + 40,000 + 200 + 70 + 3

                    Solution:     (a) 4,23,41,054  (b)  8,40,40,273

                               Exercise 1.2

                      1.  Write the face value and the place value of the underlined digits in the following
                            (a) 85,43,715          (b) 26,07,539           (c) 97,42,313          (d) 82,05,35,444

                      2.  Find the sum and the difference of the place values of the underlined digits in the given

                            (a) 85,43,65,930       (b) 29,82,43,926        (c) 9,16,48,532        (d) 14,83,16,526
                      3.  Write the following numbers in expanded form.

                            (a) 85,34,917          (b) 3,72,05,415         (c) 7,82,54,251        (d) 18,71,32,815

                      4.  Write the following in standard form.
                            (a)  8,00,00,000 + 70,00,000 + 4,00,000 + 10,000 + 3,000 + 500 + 80 + 2

                           (b)  4 crores + 3 ten lakhs + 7 lakhs + 6 ten thousands + 2 thousands + 5 hundreds
                                + 1 ten + 3 ones
                            (c)  2 ten crores + 3 crores + 4 lakhs + 7 ten thousands + 5 hundreds + 6 tens + 2 ones

                           (d)  8 ten lakhs + 3 lakhs + 4 ten thousands + 2 thousands + 7 hundreds + 2 tens + 3 ones
                    Predecessor and Successor

                    The predecessor of a number is obtained by subtracting 1 from it while the successor of a number
                    is obtained by adding 1 to it.
                    The predecessor of 3,42,13,211 is 3,42,13,211 – 1 = 3,42,13,210.
                    The successor of 3,42,13,211 is 3,42,13,211 + 1 = 3,42,13,212.

                    Comparison of Numbers

                    While comparing numbers, remember the following points.
                     •  A number which has more digits is always greater. For example, 22,29,432 > 2,49,807.

                     •  If two numbers have the same number of digits, always start comparing from the extreme
                          left digit, i.e., the highest place value and then move towards the right to the smaller place
                     •  If the extreme left of two numbers are the same, then move towards the right to compare
                          the next digits and so on.

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