Page 17 - ICSE Math 5
P. 17

For example, in 42,45,562 and 42,45,585, digits at the ten lakhs, lakhs, ten thousands, thousands
                    and the hundreds places are the same.
                    42,45,562          42,45,585     (Digits at the tens place are different)

                    Since 6 tens < 8 tens, so, 42,45,562 < 42,45,585.

                    We can even use a shortcut method to compare numbers. Let’s consider the same numbers
                    given in the above example of comparison. We need to follow very simple steps to compare
                    numbers using this shortcut method.

                     •  Place the numbers one below the                   •  Mark a tick ( ) for the same digit and a
                          other.                                               cross () for different digits.

                                                                                                         
                               4    2    4    5    5    6    2                       4    2    4    5    5    6    2

                               4    2    4    5    5    8    5                       4    2    4    5    5    8    5

                          Since 6 < 8, we can say that 42,45,562 < 42,45,585.
                    Example 6:  Compare 98,42,03,544 and 9,25,43,809.

                    Solution:     Since 98,42,03,544 is a 9-digit number and 9,25,43,809 is a 8-digit number, therefore
                                  98,42,03,544 > 9,25,43,809.

                    Example 7:  Compare 66,23,73,478 and 66,23,73,748 using the shortcut method.

                    Solution:       

                                   6   6   2   3   7   3   4   7   8
                                   6   6   2   3   7   3   7   4   8

                                  Since 4 < 7, therefore 66,23,73,478 < 66,23,73,748.

                    Ordering of Numbers

                    Numbers can be arranged in an order either from smaller to bigger or from bigger to smaller.
                    When the numbers are arranged in an order from smaller to bigger, they are said to be in an
                    ascending order.

                    When the numbers are arranged in an order from bigger to smaller, they are said to be in a
                    descending order.
                    Example 8:  Arrange the following numbers in ascending and descending orders.

                                  8,06,13,408; 83,43,999; 13,00,55,444; 7,89,21,036
                    Solution:     Count the digits in each number.

                                  Since 83,43,999 has the least number of digits, it is the smallest number.
                                  13,00,55,444 has the maximum number of digits. Thus, it is the biggest number.

                                 As 8,06,13,408 and 7,89,21,036 have the same number of digits, they need to be

   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22