Page 26 - ICSE Math 5
P. 26

As 4 < 5 and 4 = 5 – 1 = V – I = IV.
                    Therefore, 4 is written as IV in the Roman numeral system.
                    Numbers 6, 7 and 8 are written as VI, VII and VIII, respectively. Again 9 cannot be written as VIIII
                    since I cannot be repeated more than thrice.

                    As 9 < 10 and 9 = 10 – 1 = X – I = IX, therefore, 9 is written as IX.
                    Similarly, 40 = 50 – 10 = L – X = XL and 90 = 100 – 10 = C – X = XC.

                    To write a large Hindu-Arabic numeral in the Roman                      Mental Maths
                    numeral system, write the expanded form of the given
                                                                                      Fill in the blanks.
                    number and then write the symbols in combination.
                                                                                      (a)  366 = CC ____ XVI
                    Example 1:  Write 428 in the Roman numeral system.                (b)  524 = DXX ____
                    Solution:     428 = 400 + 20 + 8                                  (c)  CCLVII = 200 + ____ + 7

                                  = CD + XX + VIII = CDXXVIII                         (d)  CMII = ____ + 2

                    Addition and Subtraction of Roman Numerals

                    To add or subtract Roman numerals, we follow the given steps.
                     •  Change the number into Hindu-Arabic numbers.

                     •  Add or subtract accordingly.
                     •  Convert the answer into Roman numeral.
                    Example 2:  Add XLV and LXIII.                        Example 3:  Subtract CLXXIV from CCXCVI.

                    Solution:     XLV = 45                                Solution:     CCXCVI = 296
                                  LXIII = 63                                            CLXXIV = 174
                                  45 + 63 = 108 = CVIII                                 296 – 174 = 122 = CXXII

                                  So, XLV + LXIII = CVIII                               So, CCXCVI – CLXXIV = CXXII


                      1.  Fill in the blanks using the Hindu-Arabic numerals.
                            (a)  XXVII = ________           (b)  DXLII = ________            (c)  LXXVI = ________

                           (d)  MMM = ________              (e)  LIX = ________              (f)  CDXLV = ________

                      2.  Fill in the blanks using the Roman numerals.
                            (a)  187 = ________             (b)  345 = ________              (c)  949 = ________

                           (d)  736 = ________              (e)  67 = ________               (f)  222 = ________
                      3.  Add the following and write the sum using Roman numerals.

                            (a)  CIV + XC          (b)  MM + CM            (c)  D + CC            (d)  LXXV + CIX

                      4.  Subtract the following and write the difference using Roman numerals.
                            (a)  M – CMXX          (b)  XXIV – XVII        (c)  DCC – XXVII       (d)  CCXC – LXV

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