Page 8 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 8



                                                            Let’s Learn About

                                                            List of topics to be learnt

                                                                                               Activity Corner
                                                                                               Warm-up activity given
                     Learning Outcomes                                                         to assess the previous

                     List of concepts given that                                               learning of concepts
                     students are expected to
                     learn at the completion of
                     the chapter
                                                                                           Think and Discuss

                                                                                           Discussion-based questions
                                                                                           given to enhance thinking

                                                          Learn More
                     Do and Learn
                                                          Additional information given
                     Sample practical questions
                                                          to enhance knowledge
                     given to strengthen the
                     understanding of concepts

                                                     Computer Etiquette

                                                     Computer ethics and manners
                                                     to be followed while working on
                                                     a computer

                     Quick Recall
                                                                                      Tech Terms
                     Summary of the chapter
                     given for quick revision                                         Defi nitions of important terms
                                                                                      given at the end of the chapter
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