Page 13 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 13

1                 Evolution of Computers

                        Learning Outcomes                                            Let’s Learn About

                                                                          • Early CalculaƟ ng Devices
                   Students will be able to
                                                                          • Mechanical CounƟ ng Devices
                   • describe the history of computers.
                                                                          • Electromechanical CounƟ ng Devices
                   • state its characteristics and limitations.           • Electronic CounƟ ng Device
                   • compare the generations of computers.                • Modern CalculaƟ ng Devices or Computers
                   • keep pace with the latest developments               • GeneraƟ ons of Computers
                      related to technology.                              • CharacterisƟ cs of a Computer
                                                                          • Advantages of a Computer
                                                                          • LimitaƟ ons of a Computer

                         Activity Corner

                     List any two devices which are used for calculations in mathematics.

                     ________________________    ________________________

                     Can a computer also help you to solve mathematical problems?                   Yes      No

                     List any two ways in which a computer helps you to perform everyday tasks.


                    Present day computer is a product of many improvements over a period of time. In this
                    chapter, we will learn about the history of computers from the beginning.

                    Early Calculating Devices

                    Early man used stones, sticks, fi ngers, pebbles and cowries to count. Even today, we
                    learn calculations using our fi ngers.

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