Page 15 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 15

Jacquard Loom

                    In 1801, J. M. Jacquard invented a powered loom that used punched wooden cards to

                    automatically weave incredibly detailed patterns including pictures and text. This can
                    be taken as the fi rst ‘read only memory’ device.

                    Babbage’s Engines

                    Charles Babbage, a mathematics professor, designed an automatic calculating machine

                    in 1822. He called it Diff erence Engine. In 1823, he thought of a mechanical construction
                    which was known as mechanical-digital computer.

                    Babbage called this Analytical Engine. This provided a base for the development of
                    modern computer. Charles Babbage is rightly called the Father of Computers.

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                                                                                    Think and Discuss
                                          Boolean Logic
                           George Boole designed the Boolean Logic,
                           which became the fundamental principle                   Which device is the fi rst ‘read
                           for designing computer circuits.                         only device’?

                    Electronic Counting Device

                    In 1889, an American named Herman Hollerith invented a counting machine to count

                    the population of USA. It was one of the main electronic counting devices. It was based
                    on punch-cards. Herman Hollerith was the founder of the company that became famous
                    as IBM.

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                                International Business Machines (IBM) is the world’s largest computer company.

                    Modern Calculating Devices or Computers

                    Major developments took place in the calculating devices in the 20th and early 21st
                    centuries. Following are some important devices of these periods.

                    The First Digital Electronic Computer—ABC

                    The fi rst computer prototype was built by John V. Atanasoff  and Cliff ord E. Berry. It had

                    vacuum tubes instead of mechanical switches. It was called Atanasoff –Berry Computer
                    (ABC). It used the binary number system like a modern computer.

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