Page 19 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 19

Fifth Generation Computers

                    Fifth generation computing devices are based on artifi cial intelligence which is the ability
                    of computers to think and act like humans. They are still in development stage, though
                    there are some applications such as voice recognition that are being used today. The

                    use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make artifi cial intelligence
                    a reality. The goal of the fi fth generation computing is to develop devices that respond
                    to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organisation. Artifi cial
                    intelligence includes the following.

                    • Programming computers to play games such as chess and checkers

                    • Systems that attempt to reproduce the types of physical connections that occur in
                       animal brains to simulate intelligence

                    • Programming computers to see, hear and react to other sensory stimuli

                    Currently, no computer exhibits full artifi cial intelligence. The greatest advancements
                    have occurred in the fi eld of games. The best computer chess programs are now capable
                    of beating humans. ROBOTS are the best examples of artifi cial intelligence.

                                Learn More                                        Think and Discuss

                           The term ‘artifi cial intelligence‘           Can we say that the computers of the
                           was coined in 1956 by John                    fi fth generation would be superior to the
                           McCarthy at the Massachusetts                 computers of the previous generations?
                           Institute of Technology.                      Justify your answer by giving reasons.

                    Characteristics of a Computer

                    A computer has the following characteristics.


                    A computer can do a variety of arithmetic operations like comparing numbers, modifying
                    text, and many other things at great speeds, all at the same time. Older models of

                    computers may take a few microseconds to execute an arithmetic operation, whereas
                    newer models of computers take only a few nanoseconds for the same. Some latest
                    models of computers take a few picoseconds for an operation.

                    Reliability and Accuracy

                    It has been estimated that a human being commits at least one error for every 1000
                    operations. However, computers do millions of operations in a second without any

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