Page 22 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 22

•  The fi rst fully functional electronic digital computer to be built in the US was Electronic
                         Numerical Integrator And Calculator (ENIAC).
                      •  Scientists used vacuum tubes as processors in the fi rst generation computers.
                      •  In the second generation computers, transistors were used as processors.
                      •  Integrated circuits (ICS) were used in third generation computers.

                      •  Microprocessors were integrated into the fourth generation computers.
                      •  Fifth generation computing devices are based on artifi cial intelligence.
                      •  A computer has speed, accuracy, versatility and capability to be programmed.
                      •  A computer has certain limitations also.

                    A.  Match the columns.
                            Column A                            Column B                            Column C
                         1. 1642                             (a) 1671                            (i) Blaise Pascal

                         2. Jacquard Loom                   (b) 1801                            (ii) 1822
                         3. Leibniz Calculator               (c) Pascaline                      (iii) Gottfried Leibniz
                         4. Analytical Engine               (d) Mechanical-                    (iv) Punched cards
                                                                digital computer

                         5. Charles Babbage                  (e) Diff erence Engine             (v)  1823

                    B.  Choose the correct answer.
                         1. The fi rst generation computers were used between ____________.
                             (a)  1941 and 1955                              (b)  1940 and 1956
                            (c)  1940 and1955                                (d) 1940 and 1957

                         2. ____________ and ____________ are the third generation computers.
                             (a)  IBM 370, NAV 7500                          (b)  IBM 704, IBM 1401

                             (c)  ENIAC, UNIVAC                              (d)  IBM 704, NAV 7500
                         3.  Third generation computers used ______________________.

                            (a)  microprocessor                              (b) vacuum tubes
                            (c)  ICs                                         (d) transistors

                         4. ____________ was the fi rst fully automatic calculator.

                            (a)  Mark I                                      (b) EDVAC
                            (c)  UNIVAC                                      (d) EDSAC

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