Page 25 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 25

2                 Types of Software

                        Learning Outcomes                                               Let’s Learn About

                    Students will be able to                                   •  So  ware and its Types
                                                                               •  System So  ware
                    •  defi ne the term ‘software’.
                                                                               •  Applica  on So  ware
                    •  explain the types of software and their
                                                                               •  Diff erences between System So  ware
                      purpose with examples.
                                                                                  and Applica  on So  ware
                    •  diff erentiate between system software and
                                                                               •  Opera  onal Support Systems (OSS)
                      application software.
                                                                               •  Defragmenta  on
                    •  back up fi les.
                    •  scan the system/drive/fi le.

                    •  use defragmentation utility.

                         Activity Corner

                     With the help of your teacher, fi nd out the working of a computer. Create a Word document stating
                     how a computer functions.

                    Computers once could be used only by people who knew computer programming.
                    But now, anybody can use a computer to accomplish powerful tasks without being
                    aware of programming. This is possible because of the progress made in the fi eld of
                    computer software.

                    Software and Its Types

                    The term  software  refers to a set of computer programs that are needed to run or

                    operate a computer system eff ectively. A set of instructions that performs a particular
                    task is called a program.

                    Programs are essentially step-by-step instructions given to a computer to perform a
                    particular task. Programs and data are collectively known as software. It is a driving
                    force behind the working of a computer. Without software, computer will not work at all.

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